Tuesday, February 1, 2011

winter scenes

We have been having a lot of winter storms here in New England this season. I personally begged Mother Nature to let the snow come pouring down this year....and it seems she listened. I have been meaning to head outside to shoot some snow-covered scenes, which would mean somehow resisting the urge to hibernate that many of us on the left coast are drawn to do during these months. I have three more winter photog outings planned so this will not be the last of my snowy snapshots--I'll be in Boston this coming weekend, upstate New York in a couple of weeks, and then snow shoeing in eastern Connecticut after that.

At any rate, when you live in New England (or have Facebook friends who do) you are quite accustomed to hearing people complain about the snow and the cold, but I really do enjoy it and find it so beautiful and peaceful. I am mesmerized driving down the road after a snowstorm, every surface is glazed in a frosty white and glistening in the sun. It's enchanting. And, on this particular jaunt in the snow (on foot), I felt so revitalized as my fingertips began to freeze and I found myself up to my mid-thigh in snow, without any snow pants on, trying to capture some of these shots.

I may change my tune about the snow when/if I don't have a garage to park my car in in the next place we live or when/if I have to shovel....well, anything. I'm a very spoiled New Englander at the moment!

With that, here are some views from around my neighborhood (since we are usually stuck not being able to drive when a storm hits):

The photos above and bellow really exemplify the barrenness and colorlessness of winter to me.

I love how beautiful New England architecture looks with a snow-covered foreground and background. This snowy church may not be the best example of that, but I still find it beautiful.

I was struck by how much the snow piled up on tree branches looked like cotton.

To me, icicles are both beautiful and scary. They can really do some damage if they fall at the wrong moment.

Nothing special as far as photography. This is my neighborhood from the 15th floor of my apartment building....I can't wait for a better, less urban view beyond my windows.

1 comment:

  1. i love the photos. beware of those icicles, they look deadly! Great job


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